The most popular research-based treatments for well-being suggest multi-modal therapy – the use of medication to address chemical imbalance and cognitive-behavioural therapy to restructure negative thoughts and feelings, and behaviour management to modify dysfunctional behaviours.

This treatment approach is based on the concept of a “self” and in traditional psychology that is a collection of beliefs and behaviours forming a sense of self or “I”. This I or ego aims to achieve quality of life or well-being by attempting to minimise its pain and maximise its pleasure. For example, its self-esteem is primarily based upon social comparison, how well your skills, abilities, occupation, friends, appearance and so on stand up compared to others

At Clear Mind Open Heart we see that this leaves people with an approach to well-being that is entirely dependent upon external life conditions or if you are more developed, your empowered thoughts and feelings about those conditions. Like shares, if your life conditions or thoughts go up or down, so do you.

The individual sessions at Clear Mind Open Heart come from an entirely different view by helping people see through the false identification with successes and failures and instead to investigate the presence of the Self or true nature. The method helps people find well-being independent of not only their life situations but also their passing thoughts, feelings and sensations. It sees that your well-being should be experienced as the internal and unchanging natural peaceful state of a human being – your true nature.

Individual Sessions

Sessions do not use the traditional methods of challenging negative thoughts or reconditioning dysfunctional behaviours but rather they assist people to see the essential emptiness of all thoughts, feelings and sensations. With this focus are able to authentically clear (watch and allow) the psychological obstacles that are in the way of awakening or opening to an ego-less resting place – the happiness of the true nature.

Using the method of Clear Mind / Open Heart, people are taught to develop objective awareness of thought and full openness to emotion and sensation in your important life areas. The focus of the work is to assist others to see through the false sense of self and to experience the true untouchable sense of self that watches all this – to awaken to the natural state of inner peace.

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